Welcome to my little corner on the internet :3

I don't know how you landed in this website, but you may feel at home! I'm still learning html and css, so pardonne-moi if things seem a bit broken or amateur.I am also very bad at writing.

Who am I? I wish I knew xD. But some things that could describe me is liking music and videogames, and being quite quiet. I live in the stolen land of the Puri, indigenous people from ParaĆ­ba Valley, the so-called Brazil. I'm not a native english speaker, so sorry not sorry if I use any grammar wrong.

I made this website for a handful or reasons. I do not like Instagram's culture and the limitations for art that it imposes. I absolutely despise the uniformization of people under it, the comercialization of user's data and the profit-over-people ideology that it defends.

But this is no manifesto :v. I think it's better to define myself through things I like rather than things I dislike. Well, I love music, and I go through most f my days listening to it non-stop. Maybe too much actually, but I don't care, I like it too much to give a shit.

I listen to folk punk, shoegaze, punk, progressive rock, indie pop, indie rock, anti-folk, psychedelic folk, and so on and so on :3.